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One Year Of Parallels Access For iPad

One Year Of Parallels Access For iPad

$21.99 CAD$71.99 CAD
You save 70%
by Parallels
DescriptionImportant DetailsRelated Products

Remotely Access & Experience Your Mac & Windows Apps Right From Your iPad



Parallels Access ‘applifies’ your Windows and Mac applications, letting you remotely access and experience them as if they were made for iPad. Tap, swipe, pinch and scroll any Mac or PC software application – even if they were not optimized for the iPad – and get more done on-the-go! It's your mobile experience the way it should be.


Parallels Inc is the LEADER when it comes to allowing you to be able to view your applications across different operation systems. They specialize in delivering an unmatched experience that emphasizes making your personal/work life simpler and in our eyes, simpler is paramount. TOP FEATURES
  • Parallels Access App Launcher: Tap to start any desktop application, PC or Mac, as if it were an iPad app
  • Full Screen Apps: Mac or PC apps fill the entire iPad screen so it’s easy to get stuff done
  • Scroll & Navigate Seamlessly: Use the same familiar iPad gestures you know with any Mac or PC application
  • Connect to Mac or PC: Access up to 10 computers as you need from any location via 3G/LTE or WiFi connection
  • And much more...


"I am able to use Source Tree and XCode on my iPad when in Stand-up meetings at work, while accessing my computer at home. This technology is totally amazing." - iKeithReview (App Store Review) "This is the best remote access from your computer. Now I can travel with one device and have access to any of them. Thank you!" - Pandora09 (App Store Review) "If you work on the go a lot or from home this is a must have and I highly recommend it!" - ZenaA96 (App Store Review)


  • Requires iOS 6.0 or later
  • Compatible with iPad only
  • English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese


*Terms below apply to Parallels Access only
  • No refunds
  • For iPad users only
  • Upon purchase, you'll receive a serial code that'll activate your annual Parallels Access service
  • Parallels Access is free in the app store because it doesn't include the annual service
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